Team Perspectives #7 - Team Dopamine

Mexico Summer 2015 Blog

Written by: Aravind Asokan

Aug. 5, 2015


Team GSL Mexico 2015


Ultima Semana Global Startup Lab


Llego a su ultima semana el GSL, después de todo el recorrido hasta este día parece que fue ayer cuando se presentaron algunas ideas innovadoras y se tomaron las mas factibles cuando apenas éramos aun desconocidos, después de este tiempo muchos nos hemos echo amigos y formamos lazos de amistad y compromiso con los integrantes de este curso, se soportaron desveladas y estrés pero al final todo valió la pena nos sentimos listos,  los equipos nos estamos preparando para la exposición final  el día 6 de agosto y todos queremos ganar el primer lugar

Lamentablemente son menos las personas que entramos a las que saldremos con el curso finalizado sin embargo con este esfuerzo tomamos nuevas experiencias y conocimientos los cuales nos servirán por el resto de las vidas

Dopamine les desea éxito a todos los miembros, que gane el mejor


The Last Week 

The last week in GSL has come, after all the travel until today, seems that was yesterday when some innovative ideas were presented and the most feasible were chosen when everybody were strangers for everybody. After all that time a lot of us have become friends and we have created bonds of friendship and compromise with the course members. There have been nights with no sleep at all and lots of stress but despite all, everything has been worth it. Teams are almost ready for the final presentations on August 6th and we all want to win first place. Sadly there are less people ending this course than the people we were when it all started, although, with all of the effort put we took a lot of new experiences and knowledge that will be useful for the rest of our lives.


Dopamine wishes you success to all GSL entrepreneurships and may the best win!