Egor Zyrianov's Profile


ITMO University




Not Given


“Humor. Criticism. Management” Egor Zyrianov is second grade “Information Management” student from GSOM Spbu. Being raised as a technician and a programmer, he is studying management nowadays, creating a well-balanced and effective symbiosis or maybe that is how he likes to think about it. Keen on versatile self-development he took part in education, medicine, VR, gaming, TED, fitness, mining industry and alcohol production projects and case championships and surprisingly, some of them even proved to be successful afterwards. In his spare time he prefers swimming or squirrel hunting with his 3 kg dog, though he never caught one. However, true to his life principle he is not regretting and looking for the new opportunities to come.


Management(Analytical&Consulting, Marketing, Financial, Public Speaking)
Programming(Python, LaTex, 1C, Unreal Engine 4)