
Program: Ghana Summer 2012

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A customer is everything to a businessman, a corporation or an institution. Information being relayed to the customer is vital as they get to know what is being done with their time and money, thus the relevance of bulk SMS. Bulk SMS has proven to be cheap, convenient and fast, however, it could be cheaper, controlled and managed well. This is what AlertBunny does. A mobile web application that allows a client to communicate relevant information effectively to its customers. There is no need to always start a fresh message; try one of our templates and create and save your own. Schedule wherever and whenever you want your message to broadcast and it would do exactly that.


AlertBunny is a mobile web application that allows its users to send bulk SMS. The system comes with a scheduler that lets users schedule their messages ahead of time. This means that the user does not necessarily need to be behind the PC to give the final push for the messages to be sent to the targeted recipients. However, a notification is sent to the user a day or two depending on the time the user set it to alert him, reminding him of the pending messages about to be sent. With this information, the user can decide whether not to do anything and let it send, edit or delete the message. This saves the user from embarrassment. The system also comes with a templates feature for easy starts on messages, and an import feature to add contacts from an excel spreadsheet.