Check-UP: Course Curriculum Checklist

Program: Philippines Summer 2012

Check-UP:  Course Curriculum Checklist logo


Hey UP Student!

Lost with how to budget the time of your academic years? Mindful of the units you spend your tuition fees on? Well no worries! Because this Course Curriculum Checklist, or Check-UP, is an app made for you!

Be reminded of the subjects you took, are taking, and will take throughout your academic stay.

It's an application that would help you monitor your academic standing based from the curriculum of your degree program.

It comes with a GWA Calculator and a subject suggestions to aid you. All within reach on your smartphone!

So fear not, and let's Check-UP!



Check-UP: Course Curriculum Checklist is an Android application made for and by students of the University of the Philippines Diliman. The application requires the user's registration year and course. It then uses the corresponding curriculum to track the subjects that a student has already taken and has yet to take. It will also display the student's academic standing and give suggestions on which subjects to take for the next semester. Statistics such as General Weighted Average (GWA), units left, years left, P.E.'s left, and more will help the student succeed in school.