
Program: South Africa Summer 2013

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Community+. A platform to learn, share and create.

Our vision is to bring joy and activeness to our users through the simplest form of social network - human interaction.



Community+ is founded on the belief that happiness is derived from actively doing, but is further amplified through passionate sharing. The power of learning is at the maximum when learning from passionate individuals. The seekers receive guidance, and become inspirers. The inspirers are then fulfilled and encouraged to help more, forming a positive feedback loop that establishes a collaborative learning environment. Community+ aims at connecting the users through their common interests and beliefs, establishing a genuine relationship. It is in our vision to bring the simplest form of joy and happiness to the users – human interaction.

It is widely recognised that social-networking and information-sharing are both increasingly prominent trends in this digital world. However, although the advancement in technologies have linked people in a global scale, personal intimacy is lost when a digital barrier is erected when avatars become the substitute of the human-being. We believe that by helping others, our own negative emotions such as stress and anxiety are pushed aside by kindness and compassion. We are then filled with happiness that inspires us to learn more, do more and share more.

Therefore, it is in our belief that by integrating the vital “people” aspect into mobile technology, Community+ crafts a beautifully designed solution that injects life into the lifeless.