Christine Corbett's Profile


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


University of Zurich

Job Title

PhD Candidate




Zurich, Switzerland



Hi! I'm Christine. I'm currently studying for my PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich under Professor George Lake. I do research in computational astrophysics, high performance computing, and big data visualization. I'm primarily interested in the gravitational force, which I consider the most beautiful and mysterious of all of nature's fundamental forces. Prior to that I've worked at BBN Technologies, MIT CSAIL, MIT Media Lab, Lucent Technologies (Bell Labs Site), FAST Search and Transfer, MIT, JHU, and MIT MEET as a software engineer, research scientist, and programming instructor. Prior to/during that I studied Physics and Computer Science (double major) and Mathematics and Philosophy (double minor) at MIT. I like collecting projects and experiences which I hope will one day render me able to solve any problem I find interesting or important. It's slow going but I have a lot of fun exploring and creating things in a variety of fields in my spare time. Penultimately, I caught the startup bug at a young age when I started selling door to door in the Ohio countryside at age 10. I haven't really shook it off since, and have a few ventures in the iPhone application and web space. I firmly believe startups and technology are the most powerful ways to change the world; every startup and new design is a vote for the future, and I'm not going to be disenfranchised just because I happen to be a theoretical physicist. One final thing: I'm applying to be a NASA astronaut, and certainly plan to see the Earth from space one day, if not via NASA than via SpaceX, and if that doesn't quite work out, well, I'll just have to build a heads-up display realistic enough for me to moonwalk from the nursing home.


• Objective-C/iOS
• Java/Android
• Python/Django
• Discrete Math/Algorithms
• C/C++
• OpenMP/MPI/High Performance Computing
• ...

Technical Lead Instructor

Philippines Summer 2013