James Fowe's Profile



Job Title

Integration & Deployment Manager




Lagos, Nigeria




James Fowe is a technology enthusiast who is passionate about innovations and solving local problems using fundamental concepts in research and applied science. He also has avid interest in the field of Personalty & Positive Psychology and its application to Human Intelligence, Talent, Team Building and Career Development. After earning his first degree in Engineering Physics at Obafemi Awolowo University as top in his graduation class, he focused on a career in IT/Telecoms. With self development he learnt relevant technical skills which earned him diverse work experience across Nigeria's IT/Telecoms industry. Among others, he worked in various technical lead roles in Swift Networks, Socketworks Global and Celtel (Airtel) Nigeria. Fowe later obtained a Graduate Research Award to study on full scholarship at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA, where he investigated and developed Mathematical models and Algorithms for Stochastic Transportation Networks, Location Based Services, Robotics and Computer Vision. He received several awards in the University including the prestigious M.K. Testerman Award for Excellence in Research for his outstanding thesis work on car navigation, road traffic monitoring and forecasting. Fowe currently works for Nokia as the Integration and Deployment Manager in the Nokia Services team based in West Africa. He works with Nokia's research and development team to create localized & personalized technology that would add value to the lives of lower income Nigerians. He also participates in several community development programs & projects that help motivate and develop youths to be innovators. He is one of the founders of Mobile Monday Nigeria, a community that helps develop the mobile/internet echo system in Nigeria. Loves watching soccer and playing Chess at spear time.


Solutions Architect - Telecoms VAS, LBS, ITS, Stochastic Routing systems, Spatial Time-series, Machine Learning, Linux, TCP/IP, Java, Perl & C++

Guest Lecturer

Nigeria Summer 2012